
Building Shelves and Shower Walls

Monday, June 26, 2023 3:11 PM

Building Shelves and the Shower

This is the frame that Andres and Cesar used for the new bathroom sink (called a ‘vento lavababa’ or window sink). Cesar used a simple frame for the cement pour and thrust rebar into the walls to stabilize to the shelf.

Andres did both sink shelves.

A similar approach was used by Cesar to build the 2” thick shower wall.  He framed it with rebar and a caja at bottom, then with wood to hold the ‘pour’ and the result should be strong enough for a shower wall to keep water from directly entering the bathroom from showering.

The ‘cafe’ color was added when making the pollido that seals the surface.

Eli and I gathered the rocks that were used for the bathroom floor for foot ‘gription' to surround the drain to facilitate water runoff.