
Exterior Plaster Strategy

Thursday, January 15, 2009 6:34 AM

Here in Baja, we have less rain than nearly anywhere else on earth. We’re not going to do the final coat of plaster, because I want to percolate designs for a while, and I simply haven't the time while building. So, I'll leave it w/a water proof layer and call it a day and finish the interior only this trip.

We did amazing work, though. 8 weeks and a finished home nearly!

Skeptics said it'd take 12 weeks just to do the domes - we doubled this expectation, and never pushed it - just worked solidly.  Of course, the volunteer labor helped, but it was actually quite minimal in its direct result.  Though I do believe so many eyes and participants did create a motivation for the crew workers to perform fast and quality work.  Who can resist trying look good in front of so many prying eyes, right?